Keywords: Rewetting

Peatlands International 1.2023
Peatlands International 1.2023 was published and sent to all IPS members by email on 19 April 2023. Topics of...

Peatlands International 2.2013
Topics: Changing times… Viewpoint – why going digital News from Leiden Neros Project: Network Monitoring Re-wetted/Restored Organic Soils for...

Restoring Indonesia’s degraded and post-fire peatlands: Policy framework, strategic actions and techniques
President Republic of Indonesia has enacted the Presidential Regulation No. 1 of 2016 concerning the establishment Indonesia’s Peatland Restoration...

DPPP– a worldwide search for paludiculture plants and their potential to stop peat degradation
SUMMARY Paludiculture (‘palus’ lat. for swamp) is the productive use of wet and rewetted peatlands in a way that...

rewetting of deGraded tropical peatland by canal blocking technique in Sebangau national park, central Kalimantan, Indonesia
SUMMARY Sebangau National Park is a tropical peat swamp forest previously used for logging activities (illegal and legal) between...

Reintroduction of fen plant communities on minerotrophic remnant surfaces after peat extraction
SUMMARY The Moss Layer Transfer Technique (MLTT) has been developed to restore industrially peat-extracted bogs. It has been applied...

Peatlands on permafrost: options for management and restoration from arctic to steppe
Considerable areas of peatlands worldwide are represented by mire types whose origin and existence depend on permafrost. Currently the...

Phosphorus release risk from re-wetted peatlands – a case study of “Lake Kośno” Reserve, Poland
High amounts of phosphorus (mainly soluble form) are transported to aquatic ecosystems and are leading to eutrophication of lakes,...

Greenhouse gas fluxes from a shallow-drained and rewetted grassland on peat
Natural peatlands function as a carbon sink and long term carbon store, however drainage for agriculture is widespread, with...

Summer CO2 and CH4 fluxes from emerging Sphagnum lawns in a rewetted extracted peatland in Sweden
16 years (2015) after rewetting a nutrient-poor extracted peatland, a functioning wetland ecosystem with stable hydrology and characteristic peatland...