Keywords: vegetation

Diversity in the physicochemical properties of tropical peat in Sarawak, Malaysia
SUMMARY Tropical peat swamp forests (TPSFs) in Sarawak, Malaysia, consist of three major types of vegetation, namely mixed...

Long-term disturbance dynamics and resilience of tropical peat swamp forests
SUMMARY The coastal peat swamp forests of Southeast Asia are rapidly undergoing logging and conversion into oil palm...

Accumulation rate of tropical peat soils under different types of forest
SUMMARY In recent years, conversion of peatland to oil palm plantation has increased in Malaysia due to the higher...

Development of Finnish peatland area and carbon storage 1950 – 2015: review and update
Over 2/3 of the carbon (C) reservoir of ecosystems in Finland is in peat. In 1950, almost 90% of...

Changes in the physicochemical properties of tropical peat during its early decomposition under oil palm plantation environments
SUMMARY Peatland environment, such as groundwater level and nutrient status, determines the vegetation type of tropical peat swamp forest...

Effect of forest type on decomposition rate and greenhouse gas fluxes of tropical peat soil after convertion into an oil palm plantation
SUMMARY The effect of forest type on the decomposability and greenhouse gas fluxes of tropical peat soils after conversion...

Britain’s highest bog: can we unlock its secrets?
The Glenfeshie Mòine Mhór (Great Moss) is Britain‘s highest bog, the largest bog in the Cairngorm Mountains (Scotland) and...

Carbon exchange in the restiad peatlands of New Zealand
The restiad peatlands of New Zealand exist outside of the usual climatic niche occupied by temperate bogs. The main...

Ecology and restoration of drained mires in the Sumava National Park (Czech Republic)
Almost 70% of peatlands in the Sumava Mts. (Czech Republic) have been influenced by drainage in the past. In...

Effects of Simulated Nitrogen Deposition on Growth and CO2 Exchange Capacity of Sphagnum Capillifolium and Polytrichum Strictum in a Bog
Theme X. Peatland carbon budgets and greenhouse gas (GHG) fluxes SUMMARY We studied the responses of height increment and...