19.06.2019 12:23
The Specific Spectral Data of Dominant Trees in Peat-Forest in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia

Theme IX. Tropical peatlands SUMMARY This paper reports results of the compilation of the spectral library of dominant trees...

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19.06.2019 12:10
Restoration of Water Quality And Biology in Two Rewetted Cut-Over Peatlands

Theme V. Restoration, rehabilitation and after-use of disturbed peatlands SUMMARY Restoration of wetlands is of high priority in Europe....

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19.06.2019 12:01
HYDBOS – A Guidance Tool for Utilization and Protection of Hydromorphic Soils Under Changing Climate Conditions: Part II – Vegetation and Production

Theme III. Agricultural use of peat and peatlands SUMMARY Hydromorphic or fen soils engage are particularly vulnerable compared to...

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19.06.2019 12:53
Recent changes in peat properties and vegetation in Swedish mires

Theme I.  Inventory, stratigraphy and conservation of mires and peatlands Abstract In this investigation we have studied changes in...

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19.06.2019 12:47
Vegetation Cycles in Boreal Peatland Ponds: Effects of Drought and Flooding

Theme I.  Inventory, stratigraphy and conservation of mires and peatlands SUMMARY The Boreal plain of Canada contains millions of...

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19.06.2019 12:47
Vegetation composition and dynamics of forested mires in Finland during 1985–2006

Theme I.  Inventory, stratigraphy and conservation of mires and peatlands Abstract Understorey vegetation on the large-scale forest monitoring plots...

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