Peatland Snippets
Monthly newsletter
Peatland Snippets (formerly Peat News) is the monthly newsletter of the International Peatland Society. It is sent by email for free to all members of the IPS via MailChimp.
If you would like to publish your news, announcements, short reports or other information in Peatland Snippets (5-10 lines), please contact susann.warnecke (at) by the 20th of the month.
Some older issues (-> 2017) can be downloaded from the document database (PDF versions).
Online Shop
Printed publications
We have opened our new online store at
Additional books will be listed as time allows.
The previous Holvi online shop has been closed on 19 June as Holvi does not allow non-EEA members on the Board of their customers.
You can order at the store e.g.
- books on peat and peatland topics
- proceedings of IPS and related symposia
- brochures, subscriptions and other items
Mailing costs will be added. Payment by bank transfer or credit card. Some books have limited availability, be quick!
Document Database
Electronic publications
The document database contains selected scientific papers, abstracts and presentations from IPS Congresses and symposia, IPS books, previous issues of Peatlands International, Peatland Snippets, guidelines for IPS members, and many other publications in PDF format.
Try the easy search function!
The database has been openly accessible since 2019. No login needed. Contact us if any content needs to be removed.
Peatlands International – The global IPS member magazine on all aspects of peat and peatlands
Peatlands International is sent out by email to all IPS members for free in four issues per year.
The magazine consists of about 32-68 pages with background reports on peat and peatlands, reviews of conferences, news items and books reviews. It also publishes research findings, business reports and internal information on the IPS.
New authors are very welcome.

All members of the IPS receive Peatlands International automatically and for free by email in its electronic format, four times a year.
Non-members can subscribe to Peatland Snippets and Peatlands International for €59/year. Subscriptions are renewed automatically.
Call for Articles

We hereby ask all IPS members, researchers and peatland professionals, and representatives of the industry, to consider submitting articles on their latest projects, upcoming conferences and other interesting matters to susann.warnecke (at)
Next deadline: 3 March 2025
Submissions from Russia and Belarus embargoed.
Printed copies

Printed copies of Peatlands International from 1998 to 2013 can still be ordered from our online shop. Mailing costs will be added.
Scanned or PDF copies of certain articles can be ordered from info (at) for €10 paper (€5 if more than one).
Newer issues (2014 – 2022) can be downloaded at our document database. Let us know if any issue is missing.
Instructions for Authors

- Text in Arial or Calibri pt. 10 single row (no indents, no full cap headlines)
- Maximum length approximately 3 pages (1000-2000 words)
- Illustrations as separate jpg, tif or pdf files (send as separate files)
- Captions & names of photo copyright holders (you need to have their permission!)
- Full author contact details, at least email
- We proofread via
Editorial Board

Editor in Chief, Editing and Layout: Susann Warnecke
- Anna-Helena Purre, Estonia
- Örjan Berglund, Sweden
- Lydia Cole, UK
- Marie-Claire LaBlanc, Canada
- Jean-Charles Michel, France
- Juhani Päivänen, Finland
- Jack Rieley, UK
- Jos Schouwenaars, the Netherlands

Peatlands International is partly financed by advertisements.
If you are interested in promoting your company or products, please see our Media Kit for prices and sizes and contact the IPS Secretariat as soon as possible.
We have about 1600 readers, including peat producers, peat users, peatland scientists and nature enthusiasts who might be very interested in your products and services.
Mires and Peat – A joint scientific journal of the IPS and IMCG

“Mires and Peat” is the joint scientific journal of the International Peatland Society and the International Mire Conservation Group.
Established in 2006, Mires and Peat publishes high-quality peer-reviewed academic papers on all facets of research relating to mires, peatlands and peat worldwide.
There are no publication or subscription charges to authors or readers.
The scope of Mires and Peat encompasses all aspects of peatland science (including social sciences), technology and wise use, including:
- ecology, hydrology, survey, inventory, classification, functions and values of mires and peatland;
- role of peatland in the biosphere;
- scientific, economic and human aspects of the management of peatland for agriculture, forestry, nature conservation, environmental protection, peat extraction and other industrial uses;
- biological, physical and chemical characteristics of peat; and
- climate change and peatland
Standard papers, short communications and review articles dealing with these and related topics will be welcomed, along with contributions based on the proceedings of conferences, seminars, symposia and workshops.
Material from authors and countries whose work would otherwise be inaccessible to the international community is particularly encouraged.
Dr Olivia Bragg
Department of Geography
University of Dundee, United Kingdom
o.m.bragg (at)
Dr Sabine Jordan (Deputy)
Department of Soil and Environment
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Uppsala, Sweden
sabine.jordan (at)
Other publications
The International Peat Journal

The International Peat Journal was published by the IPS during 1986-2004 (12 issues). IPJ considered for publication quality articles from all branches of peat and peatlands science and technology.
The Journal included full length papers, short communications and review articles. Peer review was carried out by international specialists.
Editor of the International Peat Journal was Prof. Jack Rieley.
Issues of the IPJ can still be ordered from the IPS online shop and they can also be downloaded from the website’s document database (full volumes).
Video & DVD Wise Use of Peatlands

In May 2002 a decision was made to produce a video in order to visualize the development of peatlands, their natural functions and present global status, the use of peat and peatlands for different purposes, as well as to introduce principles of their use on the basis of the “Wise Use of Mires and Peatlands” book.
The video was launched in 2004, edited by a steering group consisting of representatives from eight countries, and it consists of materials filmed in Canada, Estonia, France, Finland, Germany, Ireland, the Netherlands, Sweden and the United Kingdom.
It includes a Documentary (19 minutes) and eight short segments detailing different peatland themes under the heading More Data (total length 45 minutes), as well as an Image Gallery and Statistics from the WUMP book. DVDs can still be ordered from the online shop, but work best on TVs, not computers.
The Finnish and English versions are also available online.
Proceedings of IPS Conferences

We regularly publish proceedings of our conferences, symposia and workshops. Usually every participant of such an event receives his or her personal copy at the venue – either in print, on a memory stick, or online.
All volumes are stored in two copies at the library of the IPS Secretariat in Jyväskylä and sold to IPS members and the public, as long as they are available, for a cost-based price. We also offer to copy single articles and send them by email or post, if necessary (one paper 10€, each additional 5€ handling fee).
Most printed proceedings can still be ordered from the online shop. For older Congress proceedings, please ask the Secretariat.