Keywords: Germany
Peatlands International 2.2023
Peatlands International 2.2023 was published and sent to all IPS members by email on 29 June 2023. Members receive...
Peatlands International 3.2021
Contents: Editorial: Our road to Glasgow Why are international conventions and agreements important for the responsible management of peatlands...
Peatlands International 2.2021
Contents: Editorial: Recovery is on its way Extracts from the International Peatland Congress Successful IPS-INAR Peatland Restoration Webinar Sphagnumfarm...
Peatlands International 3.2020
16th International Peatland Congress Editorial: Peatlands & COVID-19 by Marko Pomerants COVID-19 in our member countries: impacts on companies,...
Nutrient retention in vegetation of rewetted peatlands in North-eastern Germany
In North-eastern Germany large areas of degraded fen peatlands have recently been rewetted. Fully-automated classifica- tion of high-resolution satellite...
Estimating the Vulnerability of Mires and Peatlands to Climate Change in North-East Germany
Theme I. Inventory, stratigraphy and conservation of mires and peatlands SUMMARY The federal state of Brandenburg in NE-Germany will...