31.05.2024 11:11
Peatlands International 4.2022

Peatlands International 4.2022 was published on 21 December 2022 and sent to all IPS members by email. Topics of...

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15.11.2023 09:25
Peatlands International 3.2022

Peatlands International 3.2022 was published on 27 October 2022. IPS members receive a full resolution by email as soon...

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30.05.2022 10:13
Peatlands International 1.2021

Peatlands International 1.2021 was sent to all IPS members on 17 March 2021. Contents: Hybrid Substrates Editorial: Just transition?...

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25.01.2021 10:27
Peatlands International 2.2020

Editorial: New Congress dates confirmed! The First World Peatlands Day has skyrocketed online! World Wetlands Day in Lublin, Poland...

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25.01.2021 10:44
Peatlands International 1.2020

16th International Peatland Congress postponed to 2021 Candidates to the IPS Executive Board Allan Robertson Grants 2020 UNFCCC COP25...

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19.06.2019 12:05
Irish peatland project Auger (peatland properties influencing greenhouse gas emissions and removals) – assesment and modelling strategies

Peatlands constitute around 20% of the land area of the Republic of Ireland and bear significant benefits in the...

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19.06.2019 12:02
The Bord na Móna Raised Bog Restoration Project – an update on progress

Since its establishment in 1946, Bord na Móna (the Irish Peat Company) acquired extensive areas of Irish peatlands to...

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19.06.2019 12:02
Developing methods and monitoring measures to enhance the ecological value of Bord na Móna cutaway bog for breeding waders in Ireland

Bord na Móna and BirdWatch Ireland established a trial area in 2010 on Drinagh cutaway bog in County Offaly,...

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19.06.2019 12:01
Lodge active raised bog project – success after 5 years

Scientists describe a timeline of successful raised bog restoration following re-wetting. First, physical change – increased water levels and...

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19.06.2019 12:01
Development of sustainable aquaculture in an Irish cutaway peatland: a nature-based approach

Cutaway peatlands are a product of peat harvesting. Deciding on the most appropriate after use of these cutaway peatlands...

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