19.06.2019 12:59
Prospects for Milled Peat Production by Bord na Móna in Ireland, in the Period to 2030: Drivers and Potential Uses

Theme II. Peat for horticulture, energy and other uses SUMMARY Bord na Móna, the Irish State Owned Peat Company,...

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19.06.2019 12:55
Lodge Bog Conservation Management Plan 2011-2016

Theme I.  Inventory, stratigraphy and conservation of mires and peatlands SUMMARY The conservation value of Lodge Bog, Co. Kildare...

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19.06.2019 12:54
Mapping peatland disturbance in Ireland

Theme I.  Inventory, stratigraphy and conservation of mires and peatlands Abstract In this research we mapped the extent of...

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19.06.2019 12:54
Conservation and Management of Raised Bogs in Ireland

Theme I.  Inventory, stratigraphy and conservation of mires and peatlands SUMMARY Irish raised bogs are a priority habitat for...

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19.06.2019 12:43
Peatlands International 2/2012

IPS Insights Editorial: The International Peat Congress in Stockholm was a success! 3 From the President’s Desk: A new...

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19.06.2019 12:36
A distant landscape dimly seen: the bogs in 2050

It is especially appropriate that this 13th International Peat Congress should be taking place here in the Midlands, because...

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